Transport Workers Union | Local 570
Envoy Air (American Eagle) JFK | LGA | MIA | RDU - AMT | FSC | GSE | ICS
Spirit Airlines | FLL - Guest Service Agents
Dates & Locations | Membership Meeting Schedule (via Zoom)
You can find login information on the Union Strong App.
FLL (Fort Lauderdale International Airport)
Date: Tuesday, February 18th
Times: 9:00 AM & 2:00 PM
MIA (Miami International Airport)
Date: Monday, February 24th
Times: 9:00 AM & 2:00 PM
LGA (LaGuardia Airport)
Date: Wednesday, February 26th
Times: 9:00 AM & 2:00 PM
RDU (Raleigh-Durham International Airport)
Date: Wednesday, February 19th
Times: 10:00 AM & 3:00 PM
JFK (John F. Kennedy International Airport)
Date: Tuesday, February 25th
Times: 9:00 AM & 2:00 PM
Guest of Honor
John Samuelsen
2025 Irishman of the Year
Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Houston, TX

Happy Holidays!
On behalf of the NY/NJ State Conference, we thank TWU International and all the fantastic Locals who made the 2024 Santa Winter Wonderland Extravaganza a success. Your generosity, hard work, and union spirit made this event special! Thanks to your efforts, we raised $21,000 to bring holiday joy to our community. The smiles on the children’s faces and the unity shared throughout the event remind us of the incredible things we can achieve together.
This is the power of TWU solidarity in action - making a real difference and spreading joy where needed most. Your dedication inspires us all, and we are proud to stand alongside such compassionate, committed union members.
December 16, 2024
A Win for Aircraft Maintenance Workers: FAA Finalizes Drug and Alcohol Testing Rule for Foreign Aircraft Repair Stations
The Federal Aviation Administration published a final rule on Monday that requires foreign aircraft maintenance facilities to create and maintain drug and alcohol testing for workers – ensuring that airlines cannot skirt safety rules when they choose to outsource work abroad.
“This closes a major safety gap that the Transport Workers Union has fought to end for decades,” said TWU International President John Samuelsen. “And because the cost of drug and alcohol testing discourages airlines from farming repair work abroad, it creates an opportunity for more jobs to be done by qualified mechanics in America.”
The final rule will publish in the federal register on Wednesday and take effect next month. Foreign repair stations must be fully compliant with the new rule by Dec. 20, 2027.
“American air carriers have shed thousands of aircraft maintenance jobs in recent years and transferred that work to foreign aircraft repair stations. This rule will change that trend, making flying even safer for the traveling public going forward,” said TWU Air Division Director Andre Sutton.
The final rule comes months after Congress passed a FAA Reauthorization that requires at least one unannounced safety inspection at foreign aircraft repair stations each year, minimum qualifications for mechanics abroad who work on aircraft registered in the United States, and background checks for workers who perform sensitive safety-related work. These new standards set by Congress are separate from the drug and alcohol testing final rule and must be implemented by the FAA.
“Today’s final rule is a major victory and now we must ensure that the FAA carries out the new law from Congress to further ensure that foreign aircraft maintenance facilities and their workers are subject to the same standards as American workers,” Samuelsen said.
The TWU represents more than 155,000 workers across the airline, railroad, transit, universities, utilities and service sectors. The TWU is the largest airline workers union in the United States.
A Message From The President
At TWU Local 570, the Executive Board is fully committed to providing you with the best possible representation. With years of experience in grievance resolution and contract negotiations, we have a proven track record of standing up for our members.
We take your concerns seriously and are dedicated to working toward positive outcomes. Our commitment to the principles of organized labor and the issues that matter most to you remains steadfast.
To ensure that your voice is heard, we hold regular membership meetings where we address any questions or concerns you may have. However, we're always available to assist you at any time.
We look forward to seeing you at the next membership meeting, where we can personally welcome you to Local 570.
In Solidarity,
Dan Rivera
President, TWU Local 570
Member Appreciation Days
November 10, 2025 RDU
November 12, 2025 JFK
November 13, 2025 LGA
December 8, 2025 FLL
December 11, 2025 MIA
Dates & Locations | Membership Meeting Schedule (via Zoom)
You can find login information on the Union Strong App.
February 18, 2025 FLL
February 19, 2025 RDU
February 24, 2025 MIA
February 25, 2025 JFK
February 26, 2025 LGA
May 19, 2025 MIA
May 20, 2025 FLL
May 21, 2025 RDU
May 22, 2025 JFK
May 23, 2025 LGA
August 11, 2025 MIA
August 12, 2025 FLL
August 13, 2025 RDU
August 14, 2025 JFK
August 15, 2025 LGA
October 7, 2025 FLL
October 13, 2025 MIA
October 14, 2025 RDU
October 15, 2025 JFK
October 16, 2025 LGA
With Colonel Gregory Gadson US Army (RET.)
U.S. Pentagon Visit
With Captain Dozier
U.S. Pentagon Visit
TWU Honored Rail Division
Chair John Feltz
Today for 50 years of membership and exceptional service. International Administrative VP Mike Mayes, Executive VP Alex Garcia, International President John Samuelsen, and Administrative VP Curtis Tate presented a plaque to John and his wife Judy, at the International Executive Council meeting in Chicago.
Celebrating AMT Day 2024: Honoring Our Skilled AMTs
On May 24, 2024, we celebrate AMT Day to recognize the invaluable contributions of Aircraft Maintenance Technicians (AMTs). As TWU Local 570 members, you are the backbone of aviation safety and reliability. Today, we thank you for your dedication and commitment.
The Heartbeat of Aviation
Your meticulous work ensures every aircraft operates smoothly and safely. From routine checks to complex repairs, your expertise keeps flights on schedule and passengers secure.
Honoring a Legacy
AMT Day honors Charles E. Taylor, the first aviation mechanic. His legacy lives on in you as you uphold high standards in maintenance and safety.
Happy AMT Day to all our exceptional AMTs at TWU Local 570!
On behalf of the Transport Workers Union | Local 570, we thank you, Mr. Hector Bravo and Mr. Emmanuel Petrakis, for your heroic effort to save the life of Michael Tolfa, an American Eagle Aircraft Mechanic and retired USMC Sergeant, by performing CPR. Your brave and selfless actions serve as a reminder of the importance of looking out for one another and coming together in times of need. Your courage and dedication to your fellow Union Brother is an example that will long be remembered.
Envoy Air Presidents from Locals 570, 571, 572, 575, and 576 resumed council meetings at the TWU International Offices with International Rep. Jose Galarza this week, where they collaborated and built strategies for advancing the fight.

Workers Memorial Day | Honoring Fallen Workers
In December 1998, Business Express Airlines announced that AMR Eagle Holding Corp., a unit of AMR Corporation and parent of American Eagle Airlines and Executive Airlines, would purchase the airline.
In 1968, the author received the Pulitzer Prize for this photograph - one of the most prestigious awards in the United States, which is awarded for achievements in music, cinema, theater and journalism.
The picture shows two electricians, Randall Champion and Jay Thompson, hanging from a power pole. That day there was a strong heat and nothing foreshadowed trouble. The hum of air conditioners in July 1967 was heard throughout the state of Florida. Because of them, in the city of Jacksonville, there was an overload of power lines, and this caused a power surge.
Randall and Jay were doing routine maintenance on a live line when Randall accidentally touched one of the wires. A discharge of 4000 V passed through the body and his heart stopped. For understanding: during the execution in the electric chair, a voltage of 2000 V is used
Randall's lifeless body hung from the harness. But his partner Jay did not lose his head, realizing that every second is precious, he began to give him artificial respiration right on the pole. It was very inconvenient, but there was no other way out. In such a situation, it is difficult to conduct a normal resuscitation, but Jay still tried to start his friend's heart until he had a weak pulse.
Only after that he unhooked his partner's insurance and, throwing him over his shoulder, went down to the ground. By the time the rescuers arrived (they were called by professional photographer Rocco Morabito, who happened to be at the scene), Champion was already conscious on the ground.
Not only was he saved, thanks to Thompson, but he lived another 35 years. The electrician died in 2003 at the age of 64.
Thompson is alive today.